Radio Room bonus happiness is based only on the number of dwellers assigned to it (observation with a size 3 Radio Room, putting 6 dwellers with 1 charisma or 6 dwellers with 10+ charisma yeld the same 6% happiness boost). It is better to have single individual rooms for this (though I will admit I have not answered the door in over a month myself). A larger room will reduce the time a bit but not increase the chance at the end of that time of getting a new dweller.

Ok, I will address the issues as I come across them: What room is best to put near the vault door to protect from raiders? The strong people (power plant people).

What strategies are people using to best maximize production, minimize cost, and minimize attack risk? More rooms that are small rooms or fewer but larger? End result is vulnerability that can lead to death or at least high health loss when're rooms aren't fully staffed. If the room gets attacked it will still get attacked by 3x the normal roach amount. If you moved people around then a combined room of 3 diners may only have 2 of the 6 (3 rooms x 2 dwellers each) possibles dwellers. That encourages larger rooms.īut there's risk with that. For instance it might cost 250 to upgrade a single water production room but if it's two combined it might cost 375 (a savings of 125 caps). Said differently, there's bulk discount pricing. It struck me that room upgrade prices seemed cheaper (on a per dweller slot basis) when upgrading a combined 2 or 3 room room. Essentially I want people's thoughts on layout strategy.