In a nutshell, the console was sold in around 250.000 copies which is significantly lower than other models which were available on the market at the same time.

Nevertheless, it just prolonged its lifespan, unsuccessfully. In later packages, the famous Atari Jaguar CD add-on was sold with the console. There were only 50 licensed games for Atari Jaguar and 13 additional provided by Atari themselves. There were no third-party media for the console, which is one of the biggest reasons why it was ended as a project back in 1996. The console was affordable indeed, yet it had plenty of hardware-based bugs and the development was more than just complicated. Atari Jaguar is the 6th model made by Atari Corporation and the last that used physical media. The biggest competitors were Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis while they were still 16-bit units. Atari Jaguar was sold as the most affordable and the first 64-bit gaming console. If we take a closer look at the past, we can see that Atari Jaguar was released to the test markets of San Francisco and New York in November 1993.

Nowadays you can still download Atari Jaguar ROMs and play one of the classic games developed for this specific gaming console.